Two Ways to Purchase
Click on the button to the right for any easy, instant way to purchase a brick.
Click the button to the right to download a printable form you can fill out and mail in to purchase a brick.
Important Notes
Brick Pricing
4x8 Engraved Paver - $150
Up to 3 lines with 15 characters per line
8x8 Engraved Paver - $275
Up to 5 lines with 15 characters per line
Character Count
Spaces and punctuation count as characters
Orders must be received by April 1st for the Spring dedication and August 1st for the Fall dedication.
Bricks will be placed in the Garden twice a year, in the Spring and the Fall.
Please visit the Dedication Services page for specific dates and times.
Tax Deductible
The Serenity Garden of Waynesboro is a 501(c)(3) organization. Donations and brick purchases made directly to the Foundation or through this website are tax deductible. Please consult your tax advisor for specific tax advice.